In an area so rich in landscapes, monuments and roads to travel, it is difficult to do a ranking, so just tell you five of the most popular destinations from having to visit and stay enraptured.

  1. The Path of the Gods
    The Path of the Gods is a path that runs between the two coastal Amalfi and Sorrento and divided into two routes. One “High” near Bormerano, the other “Low” in Nocella. The name evokes the vision of mythological landscapes, because walking the hillside, at the foot of Monte S. Angelo a Tre Pizzi, you can admire one of the most beautiful views in the world and of undoubted environmental value and landscape: the western part of the Amalfi Coast From Praiano to Capri.
  2. The Furore Fjord
    Furore Fjord is a pearl of coastal scenery. Rich in a varied vegetation and a ria, an inlet due to the lowering of costs and which allows the sea to creep up to flood the valley in which the stream flows Schianto. The sheer mountain welcomes the little village with the old fishermen’s houses, beaches, pebble beach..
  3. Punta Campanella
    At the end of the tip of the Sorrento Peninsula, there where legend has it Ulysses’ encounter with the enchanting Sirens, and where the Romans worshiped the goddess Minerva, stands Punta Campanella. A wonderful nature reserve that protects about 40 km of coastline and the sea front, just to be counted as a specially protected area of Mediterranean interest.
  4. The Emerald cave
    In the locality Conca dei Marini, a few kilometers from Amalfi, you can visit the spectacular Emerald Cave, discovered accidentally by a fisherman in 1932. The cave owes its name to the particular play of sunlight with sea water, which creates reflections and glare glittering such coloring the internal environment with the most varied shades of green Emerald.
  5. The Giovanna Queen’s Baths.
    One of the most important archaeological sites of the Sorrento Peninsula; steeped in history, nature and legend. The name, in fact, is related to Queen Giovanna D’Angiò, sovereign of Naples. Of her it is said that between 1371 and 1435, were on holiday at the sea accompanied by her young lover with whom she used to entertain themselves while bathing in these waters.

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